
The celebration of the Eucharist is the essential prayer of the Church and Sunday is the pre-eminent day of worship for Christians.
First Eucharist for Children: When a child reaches the age when she/he underestands the significance of the Eucharist, usually in grade 2, and the parents ask that their child come to the Table of the Lord, the baptized child is welcomed to our family table. The sacrament of Holy Eucharist continues the initiation begun at Baptism. For more information on First Eucharist, visit our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION page.
First Eucharist for Adults:
Adults (high school and older) who have not received their First Eucharist are invited to contact: Sister Gael Gensler to discuss their situation, the preparation required and time of reception.
First Eucharist for Children: When a child reaches the age when she/he underestands the significance of the Eucharist, usually in grade 2, and the parents ask that their child come to the Table of the Lord, the baptized child is welcomed to our family table. The sacrament of Holy Eucharist continues the initiation begun at Baptism. For more information on First Eucharist, visit our RELIGIOUS EDUCATION page.
First Eucharist for Adults:
Adults (high school and older) who have not received their First Eucharist are invited to contact: Sister Gael Gensler to discuss their situation, the preparation required and time of reception.
Our Mission ~ The St. Francis of Assisi community is a welcoming Christian family. We believe in Jesus Christ, and are guided by the Holy Spirit and the example of St. Francis. We gather to celebrate, to grow in the knowledge of our faith rooted in the Catholic tradition, and to recognize our responsibility to reach out to the world.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish
15050 South Wolf Road Orland Park, IL 60467 (708) 460-0042 [email protected] Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00pm |